Life, Released Podcast
Navigating and breaking free of our constraints, by unpacking the raw and realness of life and everything in between. Nathalie and Vanessa will navigate you through the mine(d)fields that are love, relationships, family dynamics, friendships, intimacy, sex, parenting, cultural conditioning, status quo, mental health, and inner truth. Shake yourself free from all that is keeping you from your ultimate happiness. Live life, released.
Life, Released Podcast
Emily Tan - A Survivor's Story of Self Discovery, Resilience, and Helping Others
In this life, we survive so much. We survive family wounds, cultural conditioning, adversity, and even self-sabotage amongst other things. Meet Emily Tan, a survivor of many things: rape, cancer, patriarcal roles, prejudice, her own non stop toxic masculine, etc. She shares her journey with Nathalie & Vanessa with such humbleness and honesty, it's very inspiring. A story of survival, resilience, and how going through adversity and coming out on the other end has inspired her to help others, men & women, to overcome their own adversity and thrive.